Picture of me at the Hall of Moss in the Hoh Rain Forest.



I’m an endlessly curious person interested in how scientific principles inform design. I’m very invested in the creation of new things I haven’t seen before as well as refining skills which help me achieve more complex goals. I’m a very independent thinker, but I’m also aware of my strengths and weaknesses which means I’m open to extensive collaboration. I’m a big picture thinker and am very idea oriented, but I’m also a craftsman at heart, meaning I want to see ideas succeed while being apart of the creation process.

Right now I’m looking at developing professional skills in the field of manufacturing instead of creating my art stuffs (will always be in the back of my mind though) as I’m trying to develop a stable career, and maybe in a decade those experiences will help me start a business of my own.

If you would like design consulting, collaboration, or if you are an employer seeing what this website is all about, then send me an email, I’m happy to get in touch!

Nashton Erdmann

EMAIL:  nderdmann@gmail.com